Rooted in Jesus

Discipleship in Community


At PKS GRN Youth, we hold that discipleship is essential for a students’ spiritual growth in Christ. Discipleship must be Christ-centered, biblically grounded, and rooted in relationships. We have a great team of leaders who are committed to helping students find their whole identity in Christ.

Most Sundays we meet for “SNY” (Sunday Night Youth) which includes diving into God’s Word, worship, small groups, and fun games. We also have monthly programs such as “Further Up and Futher In” theology nights where students can grow in their knowledge and love of God.

PKS GRN Youth also believes that this adventure of following Jesus is best done in community. This is why we also provide time and space for monthly and yearly events like retreats, service projects, and fun gatherings to help grow both our relationship with God and one another! There are also a lot opportunities for small group discipleship with the leaders!

 Our Commitment

We believe the Gospel needs to permeate every inch of a student’s identity, and our goal is to help each student truly realize who they are in Christ by the time they graduate high school so that they can be set on a trajectory of serving His Kingdom.

This is why our guiding verse is Colossians 2:6-7 which says “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,  rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

Our hope is that students come to know Christ, walk with Christ, build their identity in Christ, and go into the world overflowing with gratitude for the love of Christ!


Highlight Video from our 2021 Spring Retreat!