all students welcome
sunday night youth—6:00PM to 8:00PM
what we’re about
Our mission is to see each student come to discover their identity in Jesus Christ, so that they might live a Spirit-filled life to the glory of God.
We believe this mission is only possible if we do it together—everything that we do is aimed at intentional relationships with students and their families so we can grow in our discipleship to Jesus as a community.
why we do it
We hold that Christ centered, biblically grounded, relationally rooted discipleship is essential for a students’ spiritual growth in Christ.
We have a great team of leaders who are committed to helping students find their whole identity in Christ and make sure that we enable ample opportunity for small group discipleship and parent engagement.
Following Jesus…Together
On Sundays we meet for “SNY” (Sunday Night Youth) which includes diving into God’s Word, worship, small groups, and fun games.
We also have regular Midweek Bible Studies and hangouts that take place on Wednesday evenings.
For students, we have monthly small group hangouts, service projects, and our
”Further Up and Further In” Discussion Nights.
For parents, one evening a month during Sunday Night Youth we have “Parent Connect” where parents can build relationships and encourage one another in the journey of parenting teenagers.
We also provide time and space for yearly events like retreats, missions trips, camps, and more to help grow both our relationship with God and one another!

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
Our goal is for our families and students to truly know Christ, walk with Christ, and build their identity in Christ so that they go out into the world overflowing with gratitude for the love of Christ!
Mike Terry
Pastor of Student Ministries
Laura Knisely
Student Ministry Administrator
Timothy Kim
Middle School Resident
Follow Parkside Green Students on our Instagram account: @pksyouth
If you’d like to receive our weekly Student Ministry email update, email Pastor Mike and he will add you to the mailing list!
You can also text “pksgrnyouth” to 94000 to receive our text updates.
Reach out with any questions via email!
Mike Terry, Pastor of Student Ministries
Timothy Kim, Middle School Resident
Laura Knisely, Student Ministry Administrator