welcome to holy week


The term “Holy Week” is often associated with high church traditions and can make people in a nondenominational setting feel uncomfortable; however, the week is purposefully designed to help Christians engage with the final week of Jesus’ life.

Much of the work of the Gospel writers centers upon the final week of Jesus’ life. One third of Matthew and Mark, a quarter of Luke, and nearly half of the Gospel of John concentrate on Jesus’ ride into Jerusalem through his glorious resurrection. However, it is not just the Gospels that take up these final events of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The Old Testament prophets envisioned Christ’s redemptive work long before he would come to earth, and the Epistles help explain the implications of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection in greater detail.  

We at Parkside Green humbly invite you to join us every day of Holy Week for a daily devotion, as we reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Psalm 103:2 says, “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” Each day of Holy Week, we will look at a blessing associated with all Christ has done on our behalf. The devotion can be used individually or as a family, and we hope and pray it will provide spiritual nourishment for your day. 

  • Monday, Changed—The gospel of Christ changes us forever. 

  • Tuesday, Befriended—The presence of Christ is always with us.

  • Wednesday, Loved—The sacrifice of Christ demonstrates his eternal love for us. 

  • Thursday, Secured—The work of Christ gives us security forever. 

  • Friday, Awed—The cross of Christ brings us to endless worship of our Savior. 

Every day you will find artwork associated with each topic. Every piece was handcrafted by a college student, Elly Coe, who currently attends Parkside Green. You  will also be presented with daily liturgies that help inform the daily worship. This includes a call to worship, a confession of sin, an assurance of pardon, and a benediction. Liturgies are meant to help guide our time in a structured and gospel centered way. The liturgies have been provided by Nathan Knisley. As a church, we are sincerely grateful for Elly and Nathan and their willingness to serve Christ and his body during this important week. 

Beyond the daily devotions, we would love to extend to you an invitation to our Holy Week gatherings. These will include: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday Meal at 6pm (reservations required), Good Friday Service at 7pm, and our Easter Sunday Celebration at 10:30am.