God’s Word
FAll Bible Study
The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of Luke is inspired and inspiring! It includes many parables not found in other Gospels, and places special emphases on prayer, the Spirit, women, the poor, and "sinners." Luke proclaims the good news that Jesus came to seek and to save the lost from every sector of society!
Join our in-depth study of this God-breathed Gospel, starting in September. To register please click here or contact Steve Moroney with any questions.
Sunday Morning Equipping Classes 9AM
Beginning september 11 — October 30:
Jesus’ Love for God’s Whole Family: Jesus loves all of God’s people, and he is not ashamed of anyone in his family photo. That includes those with embarrassing stories, and those who were once far from God, who opposed him, have nothing, are overlooked and weak, and still sin. All adults are invited to join this 8-week class from 9:00-9:45 a.m. in Room 116 led by Pastor Steve and a team of gifted teachers.
Sunday Evening Deeper Waters 7PM
Beginning september 11 — December 4:
Theology II: Want to deepen your knowledge of God and get further equipped for ministry? The Deeper Waters program requires attending classes, reading a theology book, and doing brief reflective writing. In fall 2022 we will investigate and apply what Scripture has to say about Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Salvation, the Church, and the End. To join, contact Pastor Steve, smoroney@parksidegreen.org, for more information and to register. For this class, information sheets are due to Pastor Steve by August 28.